You may not be completely ready to stop drinking or know exactly how to get sober from alcohol, but even just having the thought that you want to stop and need help is a good place to start. If you’re feeling the effects of alcohol, drink water or sports drinks to prevent dehydration. Certain OTC medications and bland foods can help with a headache or an upset stomach. Try having a glass of water, soda, or juice in between alcoholic drinks. Spacing out your drinks allows your liver time to break down the alcohol.
- Articulating these aspects of your drinking life can help you form realistic guidelines for cutting back, he said.
- Alcohol is not good for the body, but it can have a severe impact when an individual with AUD starts drinking again.
- At certain stages of recovery, individuals who have an AUD may still hope that they can one day drink normally.
- After detoxing, you can transition to our residential rehab.
- When people drink after a period of abstinence, the body experiences shock.
Maybe you just want a break, or university, parental, academic or legal pressures have come to light, or you believe you just need to cut back. Regardless of the reason and goal, 30 days of abstinence is the best way to start. Even if the goal is to cut down, abstinence can assist with lowering tolerance to ease moderation of use, and your body could use the break.
Alcohol Relapse Statistics
Only about 2% of drinkers in this group has alcohol use disorder. Even moderate amounts of alcohol can significantly impair driving performance and your ability to operate other machinery, whether or not you feel the effects of alcohol. “Social self” is defined as the way one relates to others and the ability to feel comfortable with other people.
Please note this is way beyond what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) define as moderate drinking, by the way. The CDC suggests a maximum of 2 drinks per day for men and only one drink per day for women. For those on Moderation Management plans, that means no more than 4 drinks in one sitting for men and 3 drinks in one sitting for women. According to this plan, men and women shouldn’t drink more than 3-4 days per week. Emotional sobriety is not about ignoring your feelings, but facing them. That way, you’re less likely to reach for a drink or head to a bar when those feelings get overwhelming.
AA and Other Peer Support Groups for Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol recovery is a process—one that often involves setbacks. A drinking relapse doesn’t mean you’re a failure or that you’ll never be able to reach your goal. Each drinking relapse is an opportunity to learn and recommit to sobriety, so you’ll be less likely to relapse in the future. Build a sober social network – If your previous social life revolved around alcohol, you may need to make some new connections. It’s important to have sober friends who will support your recovery.

For over 20 years Dr. Umhau was a senior clinical investigator at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). While this might seem high or make you think that treatment doesn’t work, this rate is actually low compared to other chronic diseases. When you are aware of the different stages of relapse, you can get out ahead of a full-blown relapse. You might be able to catch your relapse in the early stages.